“There are only three answers to a prayer: ‘Yes,’ ‘Not yet,’ and ‘I have something else in mind for you.’” – Elsa Dutton, 1923
These words beautifully capture a truth I’ve discovered after years of working with entrepreneurs: The universe doesn’t respond to wishes. It responds to clarity.
When we’re crystal clear about what we want to create – when we can see it, feel it, and map it with precision – something profound happens. The path forward emerges with stunning clarity. It’s not manifestation. It’s intentional creation.
This is why my wife and I dedicate an entire day each December to designing our upcoming year. Not setting resolutions or making vision boards, but meticulously crafting a blueprint for the life we want to create.
The power lies in the specificity. There’s a world of difference between “I want to spend more time with my family” and “I will have dinner with my family at 6pm every evening.”
One is a wish. The other is a plan.
I’ve watched hundreds of entrepreneurs transform their lives through this process of intentional design. The breakthrough moment almost always comes when they get radically specific about what they actually want – not what they think they should want, or what others expect, but what truly matters to them.
Here’s what’s fascinating: When we get this clear, we often discover we’re much closer to our ideal life than we imagined. The gap isn’t usually in our resources – it’s in our intention.
One of my clients realized this two years ago. When we first mapped out his ideal life, he realized that his current trajectory would leave him woefully short of his dreams.
Rather than feeling defeated, he chose to make it a catalyst. He committed to doubling his income while taking more time for himself and his family. He built a vision, one that would require him to face his self-imposed limitations about work and money.
He committed to the process, rolled up his sleeves, and did the damn work.
One year later, when he pulled out his previous year’s roadmap, he uncovered something profound: he was living exactly as he had imagined a year prior. He had successfully doubled his income while scaling back the hours.
He didn’t achieve this through some new productivity hack. He dove inward and learned to set boundaries, to hold his team members more accountable, and most importantly, how to say no.
When we did the exercise a second time, he set an even bolder vision. He set out to double his income (again) while blocking one day a week to ski. He laid out a meticulous plan to hire better leaders to enable him to make his dream a reality.
This client just signed on for a third year of the program – and when we did the annual review, this time to no one’s surprise, he had done it again.
Two years later, he’s created exactly what he envisioned. Not because he manifested it, but because he designed it with purpose. He knew exactly what he wanted to create, and that clarity became his compass.
The cornerstone of the Unbreakable Wealth program is to make your dreams inevitable.
But so many of us leave our dreams to chance.
We set goals and KPIs for growth or revenue milestones, but we don’t take the time to design our ideal life.
So when we hit our goals, we wonder why we don’t feel any better.
Three focused hours can completely transform your year. Not through manifesting or praying for success, but through intentional design.
We continually receive feedback that this exercise is one of the most powerful tools in the program.
And today, I’m giving it away for free, because I want 2025 to be your best year yet.
Ready to get clear about what you want to create in the next 12 months?
Simply reply to this email, and I’ll send you my Unbreakable Year workbook. You’ll discover exactly how I map out my year – and in the process, make my dream life inevitable.
All I ask in return is that you commit to the process. You never know, your dream life may be closer than you think.
To intentional creation,