
Category: Uncategorized

July 3, 2024

The Fastest Path to Wealth

When seeking to build wealth, one of the most common mistakes is trying to shortcut the process. Here is a secret that the truly successful understand at a core level:...
June 24, 2024

The Myth of Seven Income Streams

If I think back to why I started my first company, and you made me narrow it down to one reason, I’d say that it was to create freedom. I...
June 18, 2024

Find Your Tribe

If you are reading this, the chance is high that sometimes you look around and wonder if it’s all worth it. Whether you are thinking about leaving your job and...
June 17, 2024

The Best Mental Model You’ve Never Heard Of

As the aircraft lurched forward down the catapult track, the acceleration took my breath away. The F-18/F Super Hornet weighs roughly 66,000 lbs when loaded to max capacity, as mine...
June 3, 2024

The Manifestation Trap

I once met a couple who told me they believed so fervently in manifestation that they decided to sit in their empty house and do nothing but concentrate on receiving...
May 27, 2024

The Time Billionaire

Most of us won’t ever be financial billionaires. ​And that’s ok. Most of us don't want or need to be. ​But anyone can be a time billionaire. ​The fact is,...
May 20, 2024

Playing Full Out

I sat in the hot seat in front of the room, and I could feel myself sweating. I was in a quaint fishing village on the west coast of Ireland...
May 13, 2024

Too Smart To Try

My dramatic meltdown on the boiling blacktop at the bottom of a barren red rock slot canyon in St. George, Utah was a turning point for me, though I didn’t...
May 6, 2024

When Talent Runs Out

In my early 30s, I was obsessed with triathlon. And I mean obsessed. My brother introduced me to the sport. He was a card-carrying professional who was competing on the...
April 29, 2024

The Jack of All Trades

My whole life I’ve had a voracious appetite for learning. This manifests in a lot of different ways, but there is one in particular that I seem to share with...