I received a powerful question from a reader this week that I bet will resonate with many of you:
“Can you do a future newsletter that gives advice for someone like me who wants to build wealth, but am stuck in debt and keeps undermining my own success by spending, even when I know I shouldn’t. It’s so hard to get started and frankly I’m not sure where to start. (Not literally – I am paying off my credit cards).
I’m just looking for something like back to basics, LOL. Thinking I’m going to save $500 here or there doesn’t seem like it’s going to get me anywhere soon. If you’ve covered this in prior newsletters, please just point the way – I’m a bit new to your list.”
First, I want to acknowledge the courage it takes to face this head-on. Most people spend their entire lives avoiding their relationship with money, so the fact that you’re asking these questions puts you ahead of 99% of people already.
Here’s the truth that nobody talks about: Becoming a millionaire is actually quite simple. There’s only one condition that needs to be true – you must make more than you spend. If this single condition is met, given enough time, becoming a millionaire is inevitable.
The hard part? That condition needs to be true consistently.
This is where most of us get tripped up. We look at saving $500 here or there and think, “What’s the point?” But this thinking reveals a deeper pattern – we’re focusing on the wrong variable.
Now, if you only make $500 more than you spend, it will take a long time, perhaps longer than the time you have left on this planet. In that case, you must focus on increasing your income. You must focus on up-leveling your skills and your value to the marketplace.
Wealth is the reward for those who solve valuable problems.
The path to wealth isn’t about the numbers. It’s about becoming the person who is capable of being wealthy.
Your bank account will never outgrow your personal limitations.
Let that sink in for a moment.
I’ve worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, and I can tell you this: If you don’t address the underlying patterns that drive your spending, no amount of budgeting advice will help. You’ll keep finding ways to undermine your success because your subconscious programming is more powerful than your rational mind.
The good news? Once you choose to become a person whose habits and mindset match those of a millionaire, becoming a millionaire is inevitable. The only variable becomes time.
But you must fully commit. You must build habits that others are not willing to build. You must eliminate the limiting beliefs that hold others back. Quite simply, there are 1 million millionaires in America. This represents roughly 1% of the population.
This means that you must commit to doing what 99% of people are not willing to do. If they were willing to commit, they would also be inevitable millionaires.
So, where do you start?
- First, acknowledge that your relationship with money isn’t working. This isn’t about blame – you’re doing the best you can with the programming you have. But awareness is the first step to change.
- Get brutally honest about your numbers. Yes, pay off those credit cards. But more importantly, understand what drove you to use them in the first place. What were you trying to feel?
- Start small. Instead of thinking about the futility of saving $500, focus on building one new habit that serves your financial future. Maybe it’s tracking every dollar for a week. Maybe it’s waiting 24 hours before any purchase over $100.
Remember: You don’t need to swing for the fences. You just need to get the fundamentals right, consistently.
The path to wealth isn’t about deprivation – it’s about alignment. When your actions align with your values, making financial decisions becomes easier because they’re in service of the life you want to create.
If you’re ready to dive deeper into this work, join us in Unbreakable Wealth. We’ll help you identify and eliminate the patterns holding you back while building new ones that serve your future.
To becoming inevitable,