
Category: Uncategorized

February 26, 2024

Why It’s Never Enough

When talking about money, perhaps the most common question people seek to answer is, “How much is enough?” The answer? ​It depends. ​Or, more specifically, it’s different for everyone. ​To actually...
February 23, 2024

Are Rich People Evil?

When it comes to building wealth, the biggest barrier is rarely tactical. In my experience, the most significant shift for folks comes in understanding our cognitive financial programming, or what I...
February 20, 2024

Real or FOMO?

If you're reading this, then you already know: Bitcoin is back. It seems like everywhere I go people are talking about Bitcoin again. Is Bitcoin like Crossfit or veganism, where you...
February 13, 2024

When Winners Quit

“I. Don’t. Lose!” ​I’ll never forget the look on her face as she screamed those words at me, her eyes smoldering. ​It was the worst fight of our relationship. I had...
February 5, 2024

The Illusion of Immediacy

As founders and investors, one of the most important skills we can develop is improving our decision-making. When we spend time in this area, the return on investment can be...
January 29, 2024

Why I Train with a Hall of Famer

As you are reading this, I'll be knee-deep in fresh powder with 40 of my closest friends. This weekend is the legendary Maple Summit trip - hosted by my dear friend...
January 22, 2024

Understanding the Distribution of Outcomes

The fear in his voice was unmistakable. It was the weekend that Silicon Valley Bank failed. My friend called me to help him brainstorm a way out. He was in...
January 8, 2024

The Scorpion and the Toad

The greatest minds in investing all seem to have the same advice: invest in the indices, and don’t try to beat the market yourself. Buffett, Dalio, even Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology...
January 1, 2024

The Unbreakable Year in Review

I love this time of year. While New Year's resolutions have become cliche (and most people don't stick with them anyway), I find value in taking stock of the past year and...
December 27, 2023

Ten More Lessons from Ten Years

Last week, I shared 10 things I wish I knew when I became a millionaire at 33. One of our sayings in the fighter squadron was, "Criticism keeps us alive."...